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公保医 服務満了日 [The Life in Yeoju]

오늘은 公保医 服務満了日이다. 3年前 訓練所에서 나와 教育받았었는데 벌써 満了라니... 어제 会食의 余波로 좀 疲困하여 아침먹으러 내려갔더니 마침 콩나물해장국이 있어서 맛있게 먹었다. 診療室에서 약간의 想念에 빠져있다가 마지막 診療를 보고 希望房도 回診돌았다.

希望房部長님이 部員들이 모은 돈으로 산 商品巻을 주셨고, 香気房部長님도 역시 그러한 아가옷을 주셨다. 感動... 午後에 寄宿舎 淸掃를 마무리하고 짐을 다 車로 옮기고 施設長님과 다른 職員들께 人事하고 4時半頃 施設을 나섰다. 아... 드디어 驪州도 마지막이구나...

집에 와서 짐을 옮기고 저녁 먹고 来日 山本第一病院 小児科先生님께 드릴 膳物을 사러 나갔다 왔다. 어제 저녁 못보고 오늘 燦禑, 恃禑를 보니 特히 恃禑가 얼굴 살이 더 올랐다.^^ 요즘 아가들이 잠드는 것이 힘들어 좀 걱정이다.

Farewell of Nr.Kim [The Life in Yeoju]

In Yeoju downtown, the head of the facility, JS Kim, Nr.ES Kim, AN.YJ Kim and I gathered together for the farewell meeting for Nr.Kim. At first we had dinner in the restaurant of pork hocks. We drank some soju, and also ate bossam. Above all, I called my wife for being confirmed that she's ok, then drank.


AN.YJ Kim and head JS Kim from left side. Here is the 2nd place, beer bar.


Nr.ES Kim and I. It was very friendly and congenial atmosphere in the meeting.

Cold again, way to Yeoju [Scenery]

I got up late in the morning, called my wife whether she's ok or not during the night, and went to Yeoju quickly.


Very cold outside, however, clear air blew into my car. I love the day like this. Here is Yeongdong Expressway around Hobeop JC, Ichon. My wife had had backache and discomfort of belly so she visited Sanbon Jeil Hospital with her sister, but the doctor told her that she had no sign of labor pain yet. Anyway, it'll be ok for some periods afterward.^^

The meeting in SMC [Samsung Seoul Hospital]

I went to Yeoju early in the morning, had breakfast at facility, treated more than 10 families in my office. As other weeks before, I participated the meeting of SMC at 4 in the afternoon. Today there were no professor of PD in the meeting, so Prof. YS Han and Dr. JH Kim, head of Ph.D. room GS Lee lead the meeting. After that, Dr. JH Kim, Dr. JS Yu, and I had dinner together.

About 7 pm I arrived at the house of wife's parents. My wife had had hard time to control her body for her big belly, but had no sign of labor pain. Wife's sister explain how to handle the stroller and other things, and wife's father brought  brochures for recruiting a nanny for our coming babies which he had made for himself. They were nice! I read some books to my babies, massaged wife's neck, hands, feet, and came back home at 9:30 pm.

Dinner with my parents: the last before delivery? [Family]

I got up at 8 am, ate breakfast with my wife, did cleaning all over the house with vacuum cleaner and rag. Cleaned up babies' room, moved all boxes out of the room.


This is our lunch, Shindangdong(新堂洞) ddeokbokki from wife's sister. It was yummy, slightly salty though.

In the evening, with parents, we went to roast duck restaurant located in Baekun Lake(白雲湖水). About a month ago, we went there also, and had very good memories about the restaurant, and tasty duck, so we went again.


Here is the restaurant, Onnuri firewood roast. For weekend today, and heavy yellow dust of outside, so many people visited this restaurant. The meat was very nice too, and we had very good time. I think this is the last dinner with my parents before my wife's delivery.

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